

Convert Biogas Plant Waste to Value

Generate extra revenue
from Biogas Plant waste
slurry with BioWave

Generate extra revenue
from Biogas Plant waste
slurry with BioWave

Developed with Advance scientific Research specifically for Biogas Plant
Waste slurry.

Why Biowave Technology ?

Why Biowave Technology ?

Helping Rural Economy
The vision of Biowave Technology is to stregthen the rural economy by encouraging biogas plant
installation with extra revenue generating model from Biogas Waste slurry.

Advance Technology

Bio Fermulation technology
used in the Development

Lower cost prodcution

Product Processing is
very cost effective

Ease of Process

Processing is mostly single
step to few step process

Award winning company

Owner have many awards
for the R & D


Bio Fermulation technology
used in the Development

Lower cost

Product Processing is
very cost effective

Ease of

Processing is mostly single
step to few step process

Award winning

Owner have many awards
for the R & D

What we do ?

Advance technology
for biogas plant waste
slurry management

Biowave technology developed specially for Biogas Plant Waste Management. Current practice of waste management only provide limited sale value of organic fertilizer produced from Biogas plant. We offer technology that helps plant owner to generate more income with value added agriculture fertilizer from Biogas waste.
Products From Biogas Waste Sluury
Products From Biogas Waste Sluury
Liquid products from bio
Solid Product from bio


Startupindia Certificate
Certificate Of Incorporation
Udyam Certificate
0 KL

Slurry Processed

@ Client End
Product Developed.
From Biogas Waste slurry
Small Biogas Plant served
Number to be increases soon
0 K
Hactare Land Served


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